Thursday, November 24, 2011

One More Again?

As she walks by she breaks down in the inside
Got to keep face got to keep pretending
These lies we tell our selves eat away our crumbling heart
So close yet so apart Cant you see you created this unbearable reality
Why wont you fix it fix US I gave our love my all and more
Yet I'm the one screaming and slamming the doors
I wont get emotional I will keep up this facade till the end
Pin me down by you words dissect me with your mind
As we stand here we loose all tract of time
The arm she clings to was once mines the memories you gave me I erase them
Our chains you release and give me the peace of mind that I need?
My emotions run wild like a stampede I break free and press repeat
Silently but deadly our love kills slowly just a touch affects me
Quick while no one looking inject me with a kiss and leave me dying in sheer bliss
We stand there in our reserve space and reminisces
you scorch my face with your fingers And I disintegrate your heart with my words
A moment hesitation leads to eternity of regret what could have been what shouldn't happen?
Or the words that should have been said back then? Our love a continuous spin?
Again and again we suck each other in A finish yet no beginning
who is winning? Who is even keeping the score? When my heart hits the floor it make no sound
  Countdown to my breakdown as I stand around fading into the background
I drown in this pool of  misery and regret and project my sadness as happiness
Every touch every look makes me feel self conscious
Our lie's seem to be looking like a contest.....
is this really us?
How much? How many times will we spin until our minds bend and hearts break
How come we can't learn from our mistakes
Forsake me as  I forsake you and let our love FINALLY be through